Issue 55: Deviant

Molecular weightlifting: RNA-based therapeutics in treating cancer 

Over 2 million new cancer cases are projected to be identified in the United States during 2024. That means over 2 million families are forced to rethink the upcoming years of their lives. Cancer has long been a topic of heartbreak and dread across the globe. Common treatments include surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation, but it

Molecular weightlifting: RNA-based therapeutics in treating cancer  Read More »

Support our troops: The drugs harnessing the immune system to fight disease

The only place that prioritizes its department of defense more than the United States is the human body. We have a comprehensive immune system with two lines of protection: barriers and fighters. Within this second line of defense, antibodies act as soldiers that circle through the bloodstream marking foreign invaders for destruction. Specifically, the immune

Support our troops: The drugs harnessing the immune system to fight disease Read More »

Prompt: Draw the future of artificial intelligence

The generative-AI-art cat has been let out of the bag. In the last several years, artificial intelligence art generators such as Stable Diffusion, Midjourney, and DALL-E have had a meteoric rise in popularity — hyper-realistic still-life works and out-of-this-world landscapes can now be created by anyone who can put their ideas into words. How does

Prompt: Draw the future of artificial intelligence Read More »

Are quantum computers making private online information a thing of the past?

Have you ever purchased something online? A T-shirt? A new pair of shoes? If so, you are among the majority of people with their credit card or bank account information stored privately online through encryption. As a result, you are also among a group of people who could be at risk of theft or fraud

Are quantum computers making private online information a thing of the past? Read More »