
What would Micky Mouse do?: Mickey Mouse and the origins of devotion

Nobody lies awake at night contemplating the existence of Mickey Mouse. Mickey Mouse is the world’s most famous rodent. His conceptual existence is unquestionably true, and his physical existence is unquestionably false. He is, after all, fictional. Despite his widespread reach, it is generally assumed that no one lets the existence (or inexistence) of Mickey

What would Micky Mouse do?: Mickey Mouse and the origins of devotion Read More »

Aerial electricity: Lightning and other poorly-understood phenomena

Lightning is not uncommon, nor is it particularly subtle. In fact, with approximately 9 million strikes per day, it is one of the loudest, brightest, and most common natural phenomena known to the terrestrial sciences. Most people know lightning as loud arcs of light that sometimes occur during severe storms. Indeed, this is the most

Aerial electricity: Lightning and other poorly-understood phenomena Read More »

Unveiling Mayan mysteries: Modern physics revolutionizes archaeology research 

Buried within blooming jungles in northern Guatemala lie ancient Mayan settlements with detailed palaces, monumental pyramids, and even ball courts for competitive sports. Within the archeological community, it had been generally accepted that this area in Northern Guatemala, known as the Mayan lowlands, was sparsely populated throughout history. However, with the help of modern technology,

Unveiling Mayan mysteries: Modern physics revolutionizes archaeology research  Read More »