
An exploration of crop diversity:
The importance of biodiverse agriculture

Humans have made many lasting, devastating changes to the world in which we live, but biodiversity loss has been one of the main changes we have wrought upon the planet. In the world of agriculture, there has also been a loss of biodiversity in the specific species of crops grown to feed a rapidly growing […]

An exploration of crop diversity:
The importance of biodiverse agriculture
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Your brain on death

Death has long been known as the event horizon of neuroscience. While it is still infeasible for neuroscientists to examine the experiences of dead brains, recent studies have provided much insight into the moments preceding death. According to Daniel Condziella of Copenhagen University Hospital, brain death — currently, the most commonly accepted definition of legal

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The chemistry of delicious flavors, enticing aromas, and possibly cancer

Waking up to the smell of sizzling bacon and crispy toast can be a delicious way to start your morning. The bacon’s slight curls with crispy edges and the bread’s golden brown coloring are both caused by the same chemical reaction. Also known as the “browning reaction,” the Maillard reaction occurs during many different cooking

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Thermal Insulation Through Optimum Disorder

The fundamental principles of thermal conduction are outlined by Fourier’s Law. This law states that the rate of heat transfer via conduction through a material is directly proportional to that material’s thermal conductivity (k), cross-sectional area, and temperature gradient. Just as a pressure gradient is the driving force behind any fluid transport, a temperature gradient,

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