Vinitha Vivek

Business Administration // Class of 2025

How artificial intelligence is revitalizing the world of finance

“Ignoring technological change in a financial system based upon technology is like a mouse starving to death because someone moved their cheese.” — Chris Skinner.  The word “fintech” — the cutting-edge fusion of finance and technology — has gained more popularity in the last few years than ever before. Artificial intelligence is transforming the field

How artificial intelligence is revitalizing the world of finance Read More »

The Science behind lucid dreaming: Is waking insightfulness correlated?

You are sitting in your English class when the teacher announces that you have a pop quiz on the “Macbeth” reading from last night. This was the same reading you procrastinated the previous night because scrolling on TikTok in bed was far more appealing. The overwhelming and endless amount of doomful scenarios going through your

The Science behind lucid dreaming: Is waking insightfulness correlated? Read More »