Serena Tripp

Strength from unlikely places: How glass and DNA form a material stronger than steel

DNA: the fundamental building block of all life. Nearly every student learns about the master of genetic information as early as elementary school. DNA is the carrier of this important code within all living organisms. However, it isn’t just what DNA encodes for that is important, but also its very design. The structure of DNA […]

Strength from unlikely places: How glass and DNA form a material stronger than steel Read More »

Ending autoimmune disease? ‘Inverse vaccination’ and unlearning immune response

Autoimmune diseases severely impact more than 50 million Americans, and there has been a worrying increase in cases in recent years, according to the Autoimmune Association. These diseases are caused by an attack from our very own immune system. Immune cells called T cells are often involved in a faulty immune response — as their

Ending autoimmune disease? ‘Inverse vaccination’ and unlearning immune response Read More »