Kyle Kirshen

Chemistry // Class of 2025

Are Ghosts real? Ghost Particles definitely are: How neutrino interactions further protron understanding

Human understanding of the universe is not extensive. What is known, specifically at the atomic level, would not be possible without the use of neutrinos. Known as “ghost particles,” neutrinos are the most abundant particles in the universe, even more so than electrons. While that might be the case, they are extremely difficult to find

Are Ghosts real? Ghost Particles definitely are: How neutrino interactions further protron understanding Read More »

Breaking Records and Taking Names: How Gamma-Ray Bursts Explain the Universe

Some people are familiar with gamma rays, known as gamma radiation, from their high school science courses or as what caused Bruce Banner to turn into the Hulk. This energetic form of light is the result of the decay of atomic nuclei. It is most common in space and usually ends up being absorbed by

Breaking Records and Taking Names: How Gamma-Ray Bursts Explain the Universe Read More »

First rockets, now politics: How the Artemis Accords are tackling space governance

With trillions of stars and unknown planets alike, space has always been an endless void of possibilities and resources. And, as humans continue to ravage the Earth, we have begun to look towards space as an alternative supply of opportunities. But, without international law, what will prevent another misuse and overuse of resources? Meet the

First rockets, now politics: How the Artemis Accords are tackling space governance Read More »

Sorry to burst your bubble: How new research disproves how bubbles break in turbulent systems

What comes to mind when the word “bubbles” is spoken? Well, for many, they would see an image of backyard fun and a lot of empty cans of soap solution. But in the scientific field, bubbles actually play a much bigger role in environmental processes and engineering. Researchers in the areas of sea-air gas exchange,

Sorry to burst your bubble: How new research disproves how bubbles break in turbulent systems Read More »

How to fix debris from taking up too much space — in space

Humans produce a lot of trash. The Great Pacific Garbage Patch, for example, has accumulated plastic and other kinds of waste from all over the world’s oceans. While the problem of polluting the seas is fairly well known, another territory is also feeling the effects of human interference: space. It is estimated that there are

How to fix debris from taking up too much space — in space Read More »

Why quantum mechanics isn’t a ‘waste of time’

What exactly is time? This central question has stumped physicists for years because it seems to transcend definition. Albert Einstein helped bridge the gap with the realization that time is only considered measurable because a clock does so. In theory, that makes perfect sense. Humans created clocks to designate measurements of time for everyday life,

Why quantum mechanics isn’t a ‘waste of time’ Read More »