
Mush-room for improvement: Harnessing the powers of fungi and technology

Our world is embracing smart technology, especially those available to consumers like a Fitbit or an Apple Watch. Smart wearables are everywhere, and most people have or know of someone who has at least one form of them. Although smart wearables are at the forefront of everyone’s minds, what if we thought about them in […]

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Microbe memory: How biofilms can store information

Can microbes form memories? Earlier this year, researchers at the University of California San Diego demonstrated that, yes, certain bacteria can remember complex patterns. After exposing a biofilm of Bacillus subtilis to blue light stimulation, researchers observed intermembrane potassium ion channels change shape. This change caused potassium ions to be released from the cell, leaving

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Using quantum computing to make a ‘virtually’ unhackable internet

The world has become increasingly reliant on the internet, whether it’s social media, classrooms with online assignments, or research, depending on virtual simulations. Technology is becoming increasingly powerful and with that follows more powerful hackers. While the appearance of hackers is inevitable, the United States and China are leading the race to develop a system

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One nano step for man, one giant leap for mankind: Developments of nanotechnology and its applications in medicine

Envision something minuscule, such as an ant. A nanometer is one-millionth of a millimeter, and nanotechnology is the study of tiny structures that are typically 4 million times smaller than an ant. Nanotechnology has been applied in various fields such as medicine, energy conservation, and electronics. The application of nanotechnology within the field of medicine

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The Hubble Space Telescope: A catalyst for modern space exploration

Astronomers have looked to telescopes as the most powerful tool for planetary and interstellar observation since their conception in the 17th century. Peering up at the sky from the ground, these telescopes facilitated the discovery of the Solar System planets and their moons, many types of stars, and distant galaxies. But in 1990, one telescope

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The present and future applications of 3D printing in cardiac surgery

It might sound like science fiction, but the future of 3D-printed organs is closer than one would imagine. New innovations in printing technology are making leaps in implants or grafts possible. One day, it might even be possible to replace major sections of the heart using cells from a patients’ own body.  One day, it

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Telepathy may be a reality: Brain-to-brain collaboration

Telepathy may no longer be pseudoscience. New technological frontiers are pushing the boundaries of human capability, edging scientific fiction closer to scientific reality. One such feasible experience is direct brain-to-brain collaboration. In 2015, researchers at the University of Washington explored such information exchange but were limited by the need for physical interaction with interfaces (taking

Telepathy may be a reality: Brain-to-brain collaboration Read More »

Pigs: The solution to organ shortages?

Since the first successful kidney transplant in 1954, human-to-human organ transplantation has remained the best method of treatment for most patients with late-stage organ failure. Although medicine has rapidly advanced since 1954 — including innovations from the insulin pump to CT scans — the fundamental problem of allotransplantation has yet to be resolved: the number

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