
Staying in tune

Music has been a powerful vessel for conveying feelings, messages, and stories for hundreds of years. A simple tune can evoke forgotten memories, inspire creativity, or calm the soul. The connection between music and emotions is no secret. The real mystery lies in how the wiring of the brain is able to break down complex

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The Body Keeps The Score: Immune responses to PTSD

Traumatic experiences leave invisible scars that often require psychological intervention for healing. Patients with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) often report feeling unsafe living in their own bodies due to the numbness and frequent flashbacks. Boston’s Dr. Bessel van der Kolk, author and leading expert on traumatic stress, argues that “trauma changes the way people perceive

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Love on the Brain

“It wasn’t logic, it was love,” said Carrie Bradshaw, the main character of “Sex and the City.” after she took back the man who left her at the altar. In the show, Carrie is a columnist who writes about sex, love, and relationships, all while navigating her own and her friends’ experiences dating in the

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Sound starts early: Auditory neuropathy spectrum disorder 

“Hello? Can you hear me?”  We all know how difficult it is to hear the other person during a call with terrible cell service; everything sounds muffled, the audio keeps cutting out, and you feel as though you’re underwater. For individuals with auditory neuropathy spectrum disorder (ANSD), this is an everyday reality. ANSD is an

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Brain–computer interfaces: A spark of hope for brain disease patients

Taking a cocktail of medicines to slow the brain’s deterioration while slowly losing the ability to remember, walk, and speak, until they are trapped in isolation despite the presence of loved ones. This is the reality of millions of Americans affected by neurodegenerative diseases, and scientists are yet to find cures.  While many treatments exist

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