
Priority review vouchers: A winning example of government intervention spurring innovation for rare pediatric diseases

10 years and a billion dollars. These are commonly cited statistics for the time and investment required to bring a new pharmaceutical drug or biologic to market. With this staggering cost profile, pharmaceutical companies look for opportunities with the largest product sales potential. This often leads them to prioritize investments in therapeutics for diseases with […]

Priority review vouchers: A winning example of government intervention spurring innovation for rare pediatric diseases Read More »

How wildfires are negatively impacting more than physical health

In 2023 alone, the United States experienced 56,580 wildfires, 90% of which originated from human actions such as cigarette use and campfires. Due to the rate at which wildfires occur, a great emphasis has been noted on the environmental and physical harm imposed on humans. Skin damage and cardiovascular diseases associated with wildfires have been

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Pre-workout: Friend or foe?

Social media has seen a rise in popularity of pre-workout, a magical concoction that makes workouts feel effortless instead of exhausting. Pre-workout is a supplement that comes in the form of pill or powder, consumed roughly thirty minutes before a workout. Each pre-workout serving size is packed with vitamins, nutrients, and caffeine. Fitness content creators

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Implicit bias in medical training

Implicit bias, perpetuated through medical education, is a key factor driving health disparities in the U.S. Medical education is an inherently biased process that disadvantages people of color, with these impacts carrying over into residency admissions. This lack of diversity is compounded by biased and outdated teaching that often does not adequately address racial disparities

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Beyond the scale: Society’s treatment of weight loss

First used as a diabetes intervention, GLP-1 agonist drugs for weight loss purposes are sparking a larger conversation about body image, health and social attitudes. Many of these GLP-1 agonist medications like Ozempic and Wegovy are becoming popular because they are now prescribed as a weight loss intervention due to their role in regulating blood

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Plasticity during recovery: How young brains adapt to hemispheric surgeries

According to the CDC, about 456,000 people in the US under the age of 17 have epilepsy. This equates to approximately one in 160 children who suffer from seizures. Some individuals can be treated with medication, but others may be drug–resistant, in which case doctors can recommend a hemispheric surgery. This type of operation stops

Plasticity during recovery: How young brains adapt to hemispheric surgeries Read More »

From protein to pathology: Investigating multiple system atrophy

Neurodegenerative diseases are characterized by rapid escalation of cell loss, a consequence of progressive decay of structure and function of neurons. Multiple system atrophy (MSA) is a rare neurodegenerative condition in which central nervous system function is degraded. Atrophy refers to the death of neuronal cells which can have dramatic effects on an individual’s function.

From protein to pathology: Investigating multiple system atrophy Read More »