
Opinion: Menopause myths and medical neglect

Let’s be frank: the majority of women are completely unprepared for menopause. This is a natural, biological transition that half the population experiences, yet it is shrouded in silence, misinformation, and medical neglect. This is not just a personal inconvenience; it is a systemic failure that perpetuates gender inequality and disempowers women during a significant

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Opinion: Changing the “tech bro” status quo

The tech industry relentlessly innovates through product development, but one key area remains stagnant: its culture. Although women represent almost half of the American workforce, they make up only 20% of U.S. computer science (CS) graduates in recent years. This disparity reveals a deeper, cultural issue extending beyond the industry itself. The entrenched gender imbalance

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Pre-workout: Friend or foe?

Social media has seen a rise in popularity of pre-workout, a magical concoction that makes workouts feel effortless instead of exhausting. Pre-workout is a supplement that comes in the form of pill or powder, consumed roughly thirty minutes before a workout. Each pre-workout serving size is packed with vitamins, nutrients, and caffeine. Fitness content creators

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Beyond the scale: Society’s treatment of weight loss

First used as a diabetes intervention, GLP-1 agonist drugs for weight loss purposes are sparking a larger conversation about body image, health and social attitudes. Many of these GLP-1 agonist medications like Ozempic and Wegovy are becoming popular because they are now prescribed as a weight loss intervention due to their role in regulating blood

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