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Breaking records at record pace: How biomechanics have influenced the Olympics

The world record for the 100 meter dash is 9.58 seconds. A record set by Usain Bolt after beating his own preceding record at the previous Olympic Games. With such impressive records already, it has become onerous to imagine how Olympic records can continue to get broken, yet every round of Olympic events brings a new list of records longer than the previous one. In fact, the 2021 Summer Olympics saw the highest number of records broken, another record in and of itself, compared to any other year. The explanation behind the continuous improvement boils down to advancements in biomechanics. Whether it be developments in equipment or athletic techniques, the evolution of biomechanics has encouraged the shattering of records in recent years. As the 2022 Winter Olympic Games arrest the world for the month of February, biomechanics is shaping the way athletes compete in winter sports.

The evolution of biomechanics has encouraged the shattering of records in recent years

One of the most technically complex winter sports is cross-country skiing, which sees athletes traverse diverse terrains, requiring multiple different techniques for maximum performance. Cross-country skiing has been a staple of the Winter Olympics since its first iteration in 1924, but recent biomechanical advancements have significantly impacted the sport in just the last decade. Cross-country skiers must quickly accelerate and reach a high speed to maximize distance traveled for energy expended. This requires athletes to use their entire body to generate substantial force and propel themselves forward. These phenomena have resulted in the development of new techniques like the “kangaroo” double-poling form, which attempts to produce stronger forces from the legs and the poles. Compared to classical skiing techniques, this form involves athletes standing more upright, like a kangaroo, when they extend their legs to lurch forward, so that their center of mass becomes higher. A 2018 article published by Barbara Pelligini and others in Frontiers in Physiology noted, in elite skiers, that “the process may be so dynamic that the heels and, indeed, sometimes the entire foot are lifted off the ground,” resembling the hop of a kangaroo. A higher center of mass allows the force of gravity to have a larger effect on the poles as the body position of the athlete lowers in preparation for another leg push. Since more energy is transferred to the poles, the subsequent pull from the arms contrives a greater propulsion force. Since this technique relies on forces generated by the athlete’s arms and legs, the training regimen has also adapted to focus more on strength training, as ergometers have shown that faster athletes are stronger, possessing more lean mass. As maximally efficient techniques are continuously refined, acceleration and pace continue improving while records become increasingly fragile.

Records are made to be broken

Developments in motion analysis over the last decade have shown significant impacts on enabling the peak movement of athletes. One of the most notable developments comes from the cutting-edge blades widely used in speed skating. The design of a skate with a hinge was patented in 1894, but it wasn’t until 1980 when a prototype of the now popular clap skate was created. The clap skate was designed with a hinge at the rear, which would allow the heel to detach from the blade, so the entire blade remains in contact with the ice as the skater pushes forward. It was theorized that the extended contact time would allow for longer strides and thus increase the amount of power per push. In the mid-1990s, a group of 100 skaters were given either clap skates or “normal” skates and their progression through an entire season was measured. Skaters using clap skates saw performances improve by an average of over 6 percent compared to 2 percent for normal skaters, and subsequently, skaters using clap skates went on to win the Dutch National Championship. The clap skates became instantaneously widespread, and numerous records were shattered soon after. Records are made to be broken, and biomechanical developments will inevitably lead to distinguished performances during this year’s Winter Olympics.

Frontiers in Physiology (2018). DOI: 10.3389/fphys.2018.00976