Reshika Sai Devarajan

Health Science // Class of 2025

Will we ever meet in the middle?

Affective polarization is a term that describes how individuals tend to see their opposing political parties in a negative light and their co-partisans in a positive light. This bias can unknowingly cause ignorance and lead to less effective cooperation and understanding between groups and people of different parties. This psychological mindset is dangerous as it

Will we ever meet in the middle? Read More »

If cells can recover from stress, so can you!

Cells, the most basic unit of life, have a remarkable property: resilience. Cells are faced with a multitude of stressful situations that test their ability to survive, thrive, and adapt to new situations. Often, when a cell endures stress, proteins within the cytoplasm begin to unravel. In order to prevent this, ubiquitin molecules are used

If cells can recover from stress, so can you! Read More »