Iba Baig

Data Science & Behavioral Neuroscience // Class of 2026

Societal challenges of hormonal birth control for men

For many couples, reliable birth control is an important aspect of their relationships. The field of male contraception is evolving to become more accessible and mainstream. Traditionally, a majority of birth control options are the responsibility of women. For male contraceptives to gain widespread acceptance, a broad shift in mindset is essential. Men must be

Societal challenges of hormonal birth control for men Read More »

3D-printing the brain: Is this the new way to treat brain injuries?

Is it possible to 3D print human brain tissue? Beyond the intricacies of the individual cells that comprise them, brain tissue is organized into complex structures that are difficult to replicate. But what many once considered to be science fiction has now proven to be a novel remedy for traumatic brain injuries and a revolution

3D-printing the brain: Is this the new way to treat brain injuries? Read More »

A search for the extraterrestrial: Artificial intelligence detects life

Recently, a group of scientists at the Carnegie Institution for Science created an AI model that can detect traces of extraterrestrial life. By analyzing the chemical composition and structure of past and present life preserved in sediments in different planetary samples — from Mars meteorites to the earliest specimens of life on Earth — the

A search for the extraterrestrial: Artificial intelligence detects life Read More »