Cindy Fu

Biochemistry // Class of 2027

Pre-workout: Friend or foe?

Social media has seen a rise in popularity of pre-workout, a magical concoction that makes workouts feel effortless instead of exhausting. Pre-workout is a supplement that comes in the form of pill or powder, consumed roughly thirty minutes before a workout. Each pre-workout serving size is packed with vitamins, nutrients, and caffeine. Fitness content creators […]

Pre-workout: Friend or foe? Read More »

How far has modern science progressed? The world’s first whole-eye transplant

A hundred years ago, the idea of having standard operating procedures for transplanting someone’s blood, let alone someone else’s organs, seemed like something society would have achieved by the time there were flying cars. However, modern science and lab studies are moving fast and furiously, and one of the most surprising evidence of their progression

How far has modern science progressed? The world’s first whole-eye transplant Read More »